Economic Impact


The 35-county Texas Forest Trail Region features rich heritage, diverse culture, and unforgettable history, including four Texas Historical Commission state historic sites. Travel and tourism are vital to the Texas economy, and the Forest Trail Region is no exception. In 2021, direct travel spending in the Forest Trail Region accounted for roughly $3.7 billion of the overall $76.6 billion spent by visitors to the state.

Visiting historic sites, communities, and museums is a significant component of the state’s and region’s travel industry. A 2015 study by The University of Texas at Austin and Rutgers University determined that more than 10.5 percent of all travel in Texas is heritage-related.

Following devastating declines due to the pandemic, the Texas travel industry experienced a significant rebound in 2021. Travel spending increased an estimated 35.7% compared to the prior year, and all economic indicators are approaching a pre-pandemic level.

Source: Dean Runyan and Associates, Travel Texas, April 2022
For more information, contact the Forest Trail Region at or the Heritage Tourism Program at the Texas Historical Commission at

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